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One comment “Some 52 linux commands +.”

  1. admin Says:

    Unleashing of some Linux Commands

    Linux commands are the magic wand of any system administrator, developer, or power user. Let’s demystify some of the most essential ones and see how they can simplify your daily tasksю

    1. ls – List Files
    Listing files in a directory is as simple as typing ls. Add options like -l for detailed info or -a to display hidden files.

    2. ps – Process Status
    Want to know what’s running on your system? Just type ps. It shows active processes. Try ps aux for more details.

    3. cd – Change Directory
    Navigate through directories effortlessly. cd directory_name gets you where you need to be.

    4. rm – Remove Files
    Use rm to delete files. Beware, it’s powerful! rm -rf can remove directories and their contents.

    5. apt/yum – Package Management
    These commands help you install, update, and manage software packages. apt is for Debian-based systems, while yum is for Red Hat-based ones.

    6. grep – Search Text
    Want to find something in a file? grep is your friend. Example: grep “search_term” file.txt.

    7. cat – Concatenate and Display
    View the content of a file with cat. Great for small files but not ideal for larger ones.

    8. chmod – Change Permissions
    chmod lets you modify file permissions. Example: chmod 755 filename gives read, write, and execute permissions to the owner and read and execute permissions to others.

    9. ipconfig (Windows) / ifconfig (Linux): Your starting point, revealing vital network configuration information. It’s the equivalent of asking for directions in an unfamiliar city.

    10. ip: Like GPS for your device, it helps you configure network interfaces, making sure you’re always connected to the right route.

    11. ping: The friendly “Are you there?” that ensures your connections are live. It’s the equivalent of sending a quick text to check in.

    12. netstat: Your digital binoculars, allowing you to spy on network activities. It’s like having a peek at your neighbors’ yards (legally, of course).

    13. ss: The modern-day Swiss Army knife for socket statistics, giving you a detailed view of network connections.

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