This site works slow…

This site works slow… So, what?!  —-> ”Premature optimization is the root of all evil in programming”  Donald Knuth.
(On other hand I know that bandwidth can’t be worse, and hardware could be better too….)

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Song’s variation about C….

Song’s variation about C… Also, I like c/c++  (and c# a little bit….) It seems like a teenager sings a song.  H-mmm… Good then.. But at this section we’ll talk about Java….        



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Java API Love Song….

May be it’s an answer why Java is good… Because it’s an API….



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A small Java hymn…

It seems it was a small Java hymn :-) ….



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But my preferable lang…..

But, at any case my preferable programming language is Java…. It’s a long discussion why… Really, it’s lazy, smart and hooligans language….



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