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 Post subject: Codimension install
PostPosted: Sat Jan 05, 2019 5:02 pm 
Site Admin

Joined: Tue Jan 25, 2011 8:51 pm
Posts: 49
Linux Download and Installation
Note: Codimension was tested on Ubuntu. It should work on the other Linux flavors as well however it was not explicitly checked.

The latest Codimension IDE version for Python 3 is 4.1.0 (python 3.5 or higher is required)

It is pip installable so what most of the users need to do is to create a virtual environment and run pip, e.g. (for Ubuntu 17.10):

$ cd
$ virtualenv -p python3 venvp3
$ source ~/venvp3/bin/activate
(venvp3) $ pip install wheel
(venvp3) $ pip install codimension
The commands above will install Codimension IDE together with all its dependencies. Then run Codimension:

(venvp3) $ codimension
Mac Download and Installation
Note: Codimension was tested on macOS High Sierra

Make sure you have Python 3 installed. Out of the shelf macOS comes only with Python 2. So, if it was not done before, Python 3 needs to be installed manually. To do that please follow the instructions from python.org.

The interpreter version must be 3.5 or higher:

$ python3 --version
Python 3.6.4
Also developer tools are required (xcode or command line tools). If not installed previously, run terminal and type:

$ xcode-select --install
The last pre-requisite is to have PCRE and libmagic libraries installed as well as graphviz package. Here is how it could be done:

$ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homeb ... er/install)"
$ brew install pcre
$ brew install libmagic
$ brew install graphviz
Codimension is pip installable so what most of the users need to do is to create a virtual environment and run pip3:

$ cd
$ pip3 install virtualenv
$ virtualenv -p python3 venvp3
$ source ~/venvp3/bin/activate
(venvp3) $ pip3 install wheel
(venvp3) $ pip3 install pyqt5
(venvp3) $ pip3 install codimension
The commands above will install Codimension IDE together with all its dependencies. Then run Codimension:

(venvp3) $ codimension &
Some features (like building a dependency diagram) require a system wide available packages. Their installation depends on a system. E.g. on Ubuntu you would need to do the following:

(venvp3) $ sudo apt-get install graphviz
Also the IDE depends on a couple of the binary modules which are compiled at the time of the installation. So your system needs a g++ compiler installed as well as python interpreter header files. To install the required packages on Ubuntu you would need to do the following:

(venvp3) $ sudo apt-get install g++
$ sudo apt-get install python3-dev
$ sudo apt-get install libpcre3-dev

Note: Python 2 versions are not supported anymore. The packages though are still available and the instructions could be found on this page.

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